
數位人文發展(Digital Humanities)
  1. DH Commons
  2. This site fosters collaboration among digital humanists by listing DH projects that are looking for collaborators, and listing people who are interested in finding a DH project that needs their help.

  3. Journal of Digital Humanities
  4. a comprehensive, peer-reviewed, open access journal that features the best scholarship, tools, and conversations produced by the digital humanities community in the previous trimester.

  6. a portal for gathering information about the digital culture in the world, taking into account the different approaches that science, cultural heritage and arts have to the digital age.

  8. Technologies lead to Adaptability & lifelong enGagement with culture throughout the CLOUD

  9. Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO)
  10. Members in ADHO societies are those at the forefront of areas such as textual analysis, electronic publication, document encoding, textual studies and theory, new media studies and multimedia, digital libraries, applied augmented reality, interactive gaming, and beyond.

  11. dhq - digital humantities quarterly
  12. posted... The New Place of Reading: Locative Media and the Future of Narrative
  13. posted... Building Better Digital Humanities Tools: Toward broader audiences and user-centered designs

  14. HASTAC
  15. Humanists, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory

  16. sotonDH
  17. Digital Humanities research, teaching and enterprise at the University of Southampton.
  18. posted... Workshop on 3D Heritage on the mobile web – Part Three

  20. Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
  21. posted... When the Future Meets the Past: Using Augmented Reality in Cultural Institutions

  22. dh+lib
  23. Community members volunteer for weekly shifts as Editors-at-Large, culling through the content flowing through the aggregator and nominating items.

  24. Digital Humanities Now
  25. A DH community blog that curates the best digital humanities related content from across the web. Different from dh + lib above because not focused on a library audience and more focused on blog posts/online articles that apply digital humanities methods to address humanities questions or theorize about digital humanities. Some authors of the selected content are asked to then go through a peer review and revision process that feeds a more traditional web-based scholarly journal, The Journal of Digital Humanities, which makes it a good example of new experimental models of peer review.

  26. I-CHASS (Institute for Computing in Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences)
  27. I-CHASS provides computational resources and opportunities for collaboration on projects in the digital humanities, arts, and social sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

  28. Simpson Center for the Humanities
  29. University of Washington

  30. HRIdigital
  31. University of Sheffield

  32. Research Center for Digital Humanities
  33. 臺灣大學數位人文研究中心‎

  34. Digital Humanities Virtual Lab
  35. 數位人文實驗室, 臺灣大學

  36. G-contents@NDHU
  37. Humanities GIS Lab,Department of Regional and Taiwan Studies, 東華大學

  38. Digital Humanities Resources for Student Project-Building
  39. Guides, tools, and other resources for practical work in the digital humanities gathered for his students by Alan Liu, University of California, Santa Barbara. 

  40. centerNet
  41. The International Directory of Digital Humanities Centers.

地理資訊技術(Geo Information)
  1. Azavea Research
    Geographic data, geospatial analysis and the web are at the core of everything we do.

  2. Google Maps Mania
    an unofficial Google Maps blog tracking the websites, mashups and tools being influenced by Google Maps

擴增實境技術(Augmented Reality)
  1. Layar

  2. Junaio AR Browser App

  3. Zappar

數位說故事(Digital Storytelling)
  1. Educational uses of DigitalStorytelling
     a useful resource for educators and students who are interested in how digital storytelling can be integrated into a variety of educational activities. 

  2. Center for Digital Stroytelling
    To promote the value of story as a means for compassionate community action.

科技新知(Technology News)
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